State Committee and Chair Responsibilities
Please note that the list of State Chairs has been moved to the Members section of the website, which is password protected and only available to members. To access this information, click here.
An important part of the Society’s leadership is the State Chapter structure. Each state has a local chapter and they elect or appoint a Chair each year or as needed. The purpose of the state chapter is to bring the Society closer to the individual member by meeting his/her specific needs, and to increase the state membership and their participation in our Society. It is the feeling of the Board of Governors that the future growth of the Society lies in the development of the state organization.
The responsibilities of the State Chapter include, but are not limited to:
- Training and Education
Set up training and education seminars, luncheons or dinner meetings, utilizing local speakers. - Meetings
Membership Meetings: Meet no less than once every six months.
Committee: Should meet a minimum of once every three months. - Membership
- Represent all members in the State
- Retain present membership
- Follow up on delinquent members
- Attract and solicit new member
- Charging of Chapter Dues
Any member in good standing in the Society of Financial Examiners is eligible to attend meetings of state chapters. State chapters may assess a fee from members in that state to pay the direct and reasonable costs for the continuing regulatory education and administrative functions of the state chapter, e.g., costs of chapter meeting speaker fees, mailings, newsletter publication, etc. If a meal or other social function is being held in conjunction with a state chapter meeting, then members wishing to participate may be charged for the function as long as participation is optional. - Examiner Magazine
- Assist in the solicitation of new subscribers
- Assist in following up on renewals or cancellations
- Solicit articles for magazines from members of your state organization
In the event you or any of your state members become aware of any “newsworthy” items of interest to our other members, such as “promotion, illness, weddings, births, change of job, etc.,” these should be forwarded to headquarters for publication. - Board of Governors
State Chairs are ex-officio members (non-voting) of the Board of Governors and are invited to attend each meeting of the Board.