
SOFE offers two publications, provided in electronic format. The Examiner is published quarterly and includes articles of interest to the insurance industry. This publication is provided to members as well as insurance regulators. The InSIGHT is published four times a year at key intervals to alert members about important events, critical deadlines and other information that may be of interest to members.

Both the Examiner and the InSIGHT are accessed online. You must have a password to view these documents. If you are unsure of your password, you may attain log in access from the "Forgot your username or password" link at the InSIGHT or the Examiner links below. If you do not have a password, but would like to be considered for inclusion on SOFE's publications access list, please complete the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this webpage with your request.

Industry professionals are encouraged to author articles for either or both of these publications. If you are interested in submitting an article you have written, please submit it to the attention of the SOFE Publications Committee by one of the following methods — fax: 1-336-644-6205, email [email protected], or mail to:

Publications Committee
3505 Vernon Woods Dr.
Summerfield, NC  27358

InSIGHT (quarterly newsletter)

Examiner® (quarterly magazine)

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